To set up a Web site: please folow the following:-
1) Login to Plesk control Panel.
2) Go to Home > Domains group title menu > Create Domain.
3) Specify the domain name that was previously registered with a domain
name registrar. Leave the www check box selected if you want to allow
users to access the site by a common URL like
4) If you have previously created a domain template and predefined all
hosting features and resource usage allotments. select the required
template from the Use domain template settings menu.
5) If you have a number of IP addresses to choose from, select the
required address from the Assign IP address menu.
6) Select the Mail and DNS check boxes
7) Select the Web Site Hosting option to host the Web site on this machine.
8) Select the Web Site Hosting option to host the Web site on this machine.
9) Click Next >>.
10) Specify the following settings:-
a) SSL support:-Secure Sockets Layer encryption is generally used for
protecting transfer of sensitive data during online transactions
on e-commerce Web sites that run on dedicated IP addresses.
b) Use a single directory for housing SSL and non-SSL content:-By
default, when users publish their sites through their FTP accounts,
they need to upload the Web content that should be accessible via
secure connections to the httpsdocs directory, and the content that
should be accessible via plain HTTP, to the httpdocs directory.
c) Hard disk quota:- Specify the amount of disk space in megabytes
allocated to the Web space for this site. This is the so-called hard
quota that will not allow writing more files to the Web space when
the limit is reached. At attempt to write files, users will get the "Out
of disk space" error.
d) Create Web site using Sitebuilder :-This allows a site owner to create
and manage his or her Web site using the Sitebuilder service installed
on the server.
e) Microsoft FrontPage support :- Microsoft FrontPage is a popular Web site
authoring tool. To enable users to publish and modify their sites through
Microsoft FrontPage, select the options Microsoft FrontPage.
f) Web statistics:- To allow Web site owner to view the information on the
number of people visited his or her site and the pages of the site they viewed,
select the statistics program you need from the Web statistics menu, and select
the accessible via password protected directory /plesk-stat/webstat
check box.
g) Custom error documents :-When visitors coming to your site request pages
that the Web server cannot find, the Web server generates and displays a
standard HTML page with an error message. If you wish to create your own
error pages and use them on your Web server or allow your customers to do
that, select the Custom error documents check box.
h) Use dedicated pool :- This option enables the use of dedicated IIS application
pool for Web applications on a domain. Using dedicated IIS application pool
dramatically improves the stability of domain Web applications due to worker
process isolation mode.
11) Click Next >>.
12) Review and adjust if you want to change any settings.
13) Click Finish.