
When I try to access my site it says, "Forbidden, You don't have permission to access on this server

This is caused by not having a home page file inside of your httpdocs directory. Once you upload...

"403 Forbidden error messages" when I access my website

The cause of error "403 Forbidden error messages" is due to your IP address been blocked by the...

Error: Cannot open user default database.

Cause : Error: Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user...

How .htaccess work with IIS 7.x

Translate .htaccess Content to IIS web.config

How to Set Up a WebSite on my hosting account from Plesk 9.5.

To set up a Web site: please folow the following:- 1) Login to Plesk control Panel. 2) Go to...

How to Suspend and Unsuspend Users Accounts from Plesk 9.5

To suspend a user account and user's sites:- 1) Login to Plesk control panel. 2) Go to Clients...

How to Suspend and Unsuspend my Web Sites from Plesk 9.5

To suspend a domain (Web site): 1) Login to Plesk control panel. 2) Go to Domains > domain...

How to block visitors from my site?

To block visitors from your site, create a .htaccess file and add the following code (changing...

How to enable/disable IIS Application Pool on Plesk

To Setup IIS Application Pool on your server please follow the following steps:- 1) Click IIS...

How to hide important files located in my website.

To hide your important files you should be able to edit .htaccess file. By using the directive...

How to transfer the Domains Between User Accounts from Plesk 9.5.

To transfer a domain or several domains from one user account to another please follow the...

Is it possible to create folders in the root directory?

No, We do not allow users to create folders in the root directory for security purposes. You...

My website is not resolving.

You may follow the following steps to check why your website is not resolving:- 1) Please check...

Use the virtual path instead of the parent path

Here is a good article on this...

Validation of viewstate MAC failed

Validation of viewstate MAC failedHello All,Have you ever encountered a scenario where you saw...

Why I still got the holding page as I've uploaded my site on the server.

Replace the default index.html file that comes with your account when you log in for the first...

Why I still see my old site as I have uploaded my new site.

There are several reasons for this problem to occur. First, and most commonly, the file is...